Landmark data from hummingbird bills (includes sliding semilandmarks on curves)geomorph::larvalMorph
Head and tail shapes of larval salamandersgeomorph::lizards
Dorsal head shape data of lizardsgeomorph::mosquito
Landmarks on mosquito wingsgeomorph::plethShapeFood
Head shape and food use data from Plethodon salamandersgeomorph::plethodon
Landmark data from Plethodon salamander headsgeomorph::plethspecies
Head shape and phylogenetic relationships for several Plethodon salamander speciesgeomorph::pupfish
Landmarks on
Landmarks on pupfishgeomorph::ratland
Landmark data from dataset ratgeomorph::scallopPLY
3D scan of a scallop shell from a .ply file in mesh3d formatgeomorph::scallops
Landmark data from scallop shells